Fred Reed discusses race relations
(too old to reply)
2017-09-01 20:36:38 UTC
The racial experiment has failed. We must not say so, but I suspect that
most of us know it. To admit it would be to concede the unspeakable. The
awful question arises again: What now?

The only time integration happens is when it is forced. The black/White
experiment has failed. Not because of culture, or white privilege, or
racism. The fundamental problem is that white people and black people are
different. They differ intellectually and temperamentally. These differences
result in permanent social incompatibility.

Our rulers don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are
with this experiment. They don’t understand that White people aren’t out to
get black people; they are just fed up with them. They're fed up by the
social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial
solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, the reflexive
animosity. The elites explain everything with “racism,” and refuse to
believe that White frustration will eventually reach the boiling point.

They will be the only ones who are surprised when real revolution comes to
the United States, and that it is WHITE people who lead the revolt.

Bud Frawley
2017-09-05 21:14:04 UTC
Post by Byker
The racial experiment has failed. We must not say so, but I suspect that
most of us know it. To admit it would be to concede the unspeakable. The
awful question arises again: What now?
The only time integration happens is when it is forced. The black/White
experiment has failed. Not because of culture, or white privilege, or
racism. The fundamental problem is that white people and black people are
different. They differ intellectually and temperamentally. These differences
result in permanent social incompatibility.
Our rulers don?t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are
with this experiment. They don?t understand that White people aren?t out to
get black people; they are just fed up with them. They're fed up by the
social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial
solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, the reflexive
animosity. The elites explain everything with ?racism,? and refuse to
believe that White frustration will eventually reach the boiling point.
They will be the only ones who are surprised when real revolution comes to
the United States, and that it is WHITE people who lead the revolt.
thank's for proveing you think white's and black's are'nt the same under
the there skin because guess what! they ARE! I guess when you get a sun
tan at the beach your a monkey because that's what you just said! we'll
have peace among teh race's when everybody learn's to love one another
no matter what the color of there skin or there race or there gender
even if there tran's! you rich white fat cat republiCON"S make me sick!
2017-09-05 23:49:48 UTC
Post by Byker
The racial experiment has failed. We must not say so, but I suspect that
most of us know it. To admit it would be to concede the unspeakable. The
awful question arises again: What now?
The only time integration happens is when it is forced.
it doesn't happen even when it's forced.... they just try to ignore each

Forced integration would be in PRISON and in prison they divide up into
gangs... browns from blacks and blacks from whites.

They join a gang or face the music.
That's Karma