Chronic physical pain support group in Madison
(too old to reply)
2010-11-02 18:20:34 UTC
To get details about the chronic physical pain support group in
Madison, call 800-769-1842. Ask for Jani.

Why suffer alone and isolated, constantly upset by daily physical
pain? Find out what can be done to gain some measure of control in
your life.

Call today: 800-769-1842.
2016-11-01 22:37:50 UTC
Post by fp
To get details about the chronic physical pain support group in
Madison, call 800-769-1842. Ask for Jani.
Why suffer alone and isolated, constantly upset by daily physical
pain? Find out what can be done to gain some measure of control in
your life.
Call today: 800-769-1842.
This is a wrong number and does not represent what it intended.
