Wisconsin is HOTBED of SATINISM!!!! ConservaTruth REPLIES!!!
(too old to reply)
The ConservaTruth
2003-11-04 09:47:41 UTC
As a cleric with many years of study, experience and knowledge in this area,
I am alarmed and dismayed by statistics that confirm that Wisconsin is the
nation's most Satanic state. There are more Satanic cults in Wisconsin per
capita than any state in this great land of ours. Here are the facts as
Wisconsin has over 87,000 practicing Satanists; this is more than all those
in California, Texas and New York combined.
Wisconsin has 297 Satanic covens. That is more than the entire continent of
Wisconsin was home to serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and Charles
Manson. This is due to the Satanic influences of
Wisconsin cults.
Wisconsin habitually lets pedophiles out to prey on more children. Examples
include the Spanbauer and the Gerald Turner Halloween Killer cases. This is
caused by the Satanic influence of devil-worship cults over the Madison
liberal clique. It is these liberals that support the pedophiles and
Satanists. The Wisconsin Parole board is mostly Madison liberals.
The mark of the beast '666' is often scrawled in Wisconsin on hidden places
in Wisconsin wooded areas and in Wisconsin schools.
Wisconsin is slow to ban Satanic cult influences over the liberal, corporate
media. That is why television channels show nudity and Satanic violence on
Wisconsin airwaves. Most Wisconsin people are addicted to these Satanic
television shows, even if they are not Satanists.
Wisconsin people have turned away from the Lutheran Church and toward
liberal secular humanist atheist and Satanic philosophy. Scientific,
Islamic and atheist beliefs are taught in Wisconsin schools in order to aid
the Satanists. Evolution and the Big Bang are the most notorious of these
beliefs. Christian beliefs, like the Ten Commandments are banned from the
schools and are mocked on Wisconsin tv shows like Howard Stern.
To fix this, you must contact your legislator to help get an official ban on
Satanic groups. Satanists should be jailed and given psychiatric treatments
to render them harmless to the decent, conservative Wisconsin majority. You
should vote Republican on all issues to limit the influence of the atheist,
liberal Satanists. You should fight against corporations because
corporations support Satanic content on the television airwaves. Police and
other law enforcement agencies must be warned to watch for the activities of
Satanists, especially, in caves and wooded areas. Non-Judeo-Christian
religions, such as Islam, must be monitored for signs of Satanic activities.
Nazi and KKK groups have Satanic and occult origins; these groups must be
monitored for Satanic activities. Liberal political groups must be watched;
Stalin was strongly influenced by these liberal groups.
Together, we can reverse the pro-Satanic activities that have taken hold in
Wisconsin. By exercising Christian vigilance, Wisconsin can be God's
country once again.
The Lord be with you,
Pastor J. Lindsvolde
ROK on Christyun Soldyerz!!!!

Liberels want the 10 comandmints out of courts!!!!
They want to submit to Lucipher!!!


Vote for Bush in 2003!!!!

Republicans ROCK!!! Liberels SOCK!!!!

The true TRUTH is ......

The ConservaTruth :-)/ (the smokes R on me)
Andy Yee
2003-11-04 09:59:51 UTC
Kook. *PLONK*

Andy Yee E-Mail: ayee AT mn dot rr dot com
President Home Page: http://home.mn.rr.com/andyyee
New Directions Engineering, Inc.

Godwin's Law: As a USENET thread grows, the probability of a reference
to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.00.
Corollary: When such a reference is made, it is generally
recognized that the poster has LOST the argument.
The ConservaTruth
2003-11-04 10:15:03 UTC
U IZ DA KOOK, Mr. Hee.

Hee Hee Hee!!!

U liberels dont kno nuthin'

Vote for Bush in 2003!!!!

Republicans ROCK!!! Liberels SOCK!!!!

The true TRUTH is ......

The ConservaTruth :-)/ (the smokes R on me)
Post by Andy Yee
Kook. *PLONK*
Andy Yee E-Mail: ayee AT mn dot rr dot com
President Home Page: http://home.mn.rr.com/andyyee
New Directions Engineering, Inc.
Godwin's Law: As a USENET thread grows, the probability of a reference
to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.00.
Liberels law--as liberels git more stuped they turn into democritters!!!
Post by Andy Yee
Corollary: When such a reference is made, it is generally
recognized that the poster has LOST the argument.
2003-11-09 14:19:32 UTC
Post by Andy Yee
Kook. *PLONK*
Andy Yee E-Mail: ayee AT mn dot rr dot com
President Home Page: http://home.mn.rr.com/andyyee
New Directions Engineering, Inc.
Godwin's Law: As a USENET thread grows, the probability of a reference
to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1.00.
Corollary: When such a reference is made, it is generally
recognized that the poster has LOST the argument.
Hey! As a devout satin worshipper, I find this whole thread highly

P.S. Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Nazis, Nazis, Nazis
D.A. Tsenuf
2003-11-04 18:46:15 UTC
<snip> nothing of importance
But the header is a clue...

Satinism ?
That sounds kinky..
Is that why the fabric stores are out of stock ?
And I thought it was because of Halloween...
Oh well
Bill Seurer
2003-11-06 03:37:00 UTC
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
<snip> nothing of importance
But the header is a clue...
Satinism ?
That sounds kinky..
Is that why the fabric stores are out of stock ?
And I thought it was because of Halloween...
Oh well
What is our world coming too? The next thing you know they'll be into
velourism or, I dread to think of it, cottonism!
D.A. Tsenuf
2003-11-06 17:18:00 UTC
Post by Bill Seurer
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
<snip> nothing of importance
But the header is a clue...
Satinism ?
That sounds kinky..
Is that why the fabric stores are out of stock ?
And I thought it was because of Halloween...
Oh well
What is our world coming too? The next thing you know they'll be into
velourism or, I dread to think of it, cottonism!
I must admit that with the arrival of the cold weather, I am now big-time
into doudounnism
(A Doudounne for the uninformed, is French-Canadian slang for a down
comforter. But the term is also used for anything that is down-filled, warm
and snugly)
Bill Seurer
2003-11-08 04:00:45 UTC
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
I must admit that with the arrival of the cold weather, I am now big-time
into doudounnism
Flannelism and Thinsulatism for me! :-)
D.A. Tsenuf
2003-11-09 15:43:29 UTC
Post by Bill Seurer
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
I must admit that with the arrival of the cold weather, I am now big-time
into doudounnism
Flannelism and Thinsulatism for me! :-)
The title says it all
Bill Seurer
2003-11-09 19:51:15 UTC
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
Post by Bill Seurer
Flannelism and Thinsulatism for me! :-)
The title says it all
The OP was confused, though. Satin is ANYTHING but warm. ;-)
D.A. Tsenuf
2003-11-09 23:39:43 UTC
Post by Bill Seurer
Post by D.A. Tsenuf
Post by Bill Seurer
Flannelism and Thinsulatism for me! :-)
The title says it all
The OP was confused, though. Satin is ANYTHING but warm. ;-)
But he was talking about Wisconsin.
What else would you expect ?
Dr. J
2003-11-20 23:31:40 UTC
difficulty agreeing on religion provides a reason wisconsin has so many
covens. for example, the wisconsin lutheran synod.
Post by The ConservaTruth
As a cleric with many years of study, experience and knowledge in this area,
I am alarmed and dismayed by statistics that confirm that Wisconsin is the
nation's most Satanic state. There are more Satanic cults in Wisconsin per
capita than any state in this great land of ours. Here are the facts as
Wisconsin has over 87,000 practicing Satanists; this is more than all those
in California, Texas and New York combined.
Wisconsin has 297 Satanic covens. That is more than the entire continent of
Wisconsin was home to serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and Charles
Manson. This is due to the Satanic influences of
Wisconsin cults.
Wisconsin habitually lets pedophiles out to prey on more children.
Post by The ConservaTruth
include the Spanbauer and the Gerald Turner Halloween Killer cases.
This is
Post by The ConservaTruth
caused by the Satanic influence of devil-worship cults over the Madison
liberal clique. It is these liberals that support the pedophiles and
Satanists. The Wisconsin Parole board is mostly Madison liberals.
The mark of the beast '666' is often scrawled in Wisconsin on hidden places
in Wisconsin wooded areas and in Wisconsin schools.
Wisconsin is slow to ban Satanic cult influences over the liberal, corporate
media. That is why television channels show nudity and Satanic violence on
Wisconsin airwaves. Most Wisconsin people are addicted to these Satanic
television shows, even if they are not Satanists.
Wisconsin people have turned away from the Lutheran Church and toward
liberal secular humanist atheist and Satanic philosophy. Scientific,
Islamic and atheist beliefs are taught in Wisconsin schools in order to aid
the Satanists. Evolution and the Big Bang are the most notorious of these
beliefs. Christian beliefs, like the Ten Commandments are banned from the
schools and are mocked on Wisconsin tv shows like Howard Stern.
To fix this, you must contact your legislator to help get an official ban on
Satanic groups. Satanists should be jailed and given psychiatric treatments
to render them harmless to the decent, conservative Wisconsin majority.
Post by The ConservaTruth
should vote Republican on all issues to limit the influence of the atheist,
liberal Satanists. You should fight against corporations because
corporations support Satanic content on the television airwaves. Police and
other law enforcement agencies must be warned to watch for the activities of
Satanists, especially, in caves and wooded areas. Non-Judeo-Christian
religions, such as Islam, must be monitored for signs of Satanic activities.
Nazi and KKK groups have Satanic and occult origins; these groups must be
monitored for Satanic activities. Liberal political groups must be watched;
Stalin was strongly influenced by these liberal groups.
Together, we can reverse the pro-Satanic activities that have taken hold in
Wisconsin. By exercising Christian vigilance, Wisconsin can be God's
country once again.
The Lord be with you,
Pastor J. Lindsvolde
ROK on Christyun Soldyerz!!!!
Liberels want the 10 comandmints out of courts!!!!
They want to submit to Lucipher!!!
Vote for Bush in 2003!!!!
Republicans ROCK!!! Liberels SOCK!!!!
The true TRUTH is ......
The ConservaTruth :-)/ (the smokes R on me)
2015-07-29 03:56:04 UTC
