"Wisconsin Judge Bans Ballot Drop Boxes, Ballot Harvesting"
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Walter Duerson
2022-01-18 19:38:44 UTC
-ba ns-ballot-drop-boxes-outlaws-ballot-harvesting
A Waukesha County judge ruled Thursday that ballot drop boxes
cannot be used in the state of Wisconsin, asserting that the
Wisconsin Elections Commission has “no authority” to permit the
drop boxes.
“It’s all good and nice, but there’s no authority to do
it,” said Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren.
Judge Bohren made the determination in response to a lawsuit filed
by voters represented by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for
Law and Liberty (WILL), The Federalist explained Monday.
     And you still deny that Republicans
are making it harder for people to vote.
How does ruling according to the law constitute making it harder for
people to vote?
This judge did not make a ruling according to the law. He legislated
from the bench. I thought right-wingnuts hated that? Of course they
don't hate it — not when they can find courts that will legislate in
ways that help Republiscums/QAnon.
The judge did his job. He interpreted the the law as written and
determined the Wisconsin Elections Commission overstepped their authority.

Republicans are not making it harder to vote. They are making it easier
to vote and harder to cheat.

Democrats, progressives, socialists, marxists and communists don't like
Walter Duerson
2022-01-18 19:46:28 UTC
A Waukesha County judge ruled Thursday that ballot drop boxes cannot
be used in the state of Wisconsin, asserting that the Wisconsin
Elections Commission has “no authority” to permit the drop boxes.
“It’s all good and nice, but there’s no authority to do it,”
said Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren.
Because Hartung only cites from reactionary far-right-wingnut lie
sites, he never tells the whole story.
A Waukesha County Judge has ruled that absentee ballot drop boxes
are not allowed under Wisconsin law, a ruling that could
potentially remove an option for voting ahead of the state’s
midterm elections.
Ruling from the bench Thursday, Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren
ordered the Wisconsin Elections Commission to rescind its guidance
to clerks on how to use the drop boxes, saying the WEC had
exceeded its authority when it issued the recommendations.
“In looking at the statutes, there is no specific authorization
for drop boxes,” Bohren said.
Bohren’s ruling sided with the conservative Wisconsin Institute
for Law and Liberty in its lawsuit against the commission. The
ruling is all but certain to be appealed.
The Elections Commission issued the guidance in 2020, first in
March and then again in August in the run-up to Wisconsin’s
presidential election. The move came as more and more residents
turned to absentee voting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The commission’s attorney, Assistant Attorney General Stephen
Kilpatrick, argued in court that the documents were meant to be
advice to local clerks, who run elections.
“These memos are guidance documents because they guide local
election officials,” Kilpatrick said. “They do not order them
to do anything.”
There is a very good chance this far-right-wingnut judge will be
overruled on appeal. There does not *have* to be express
authorization for drop boxes. State laws setting up election
commissions and county election officials provide for a lot of
discretion by those officials.
Deployment of facilities to aid and abet cheating is not one of them.
Look for the drop boxes to come back. Remember in 2020, the
Republiscums kept trying to get various pandemic-related
ease-of-voting measures thrown out, and they lost just about every
Democrats used COVID to subvert the US presidental election, putting a
stooge and a lazy slut in the two highest offices of the country. We see
how well that has worked out.
Drop boxes should be allowed. People dropping off ballots for others
should be allowed.
Drop boxes are tools for abuse. If you can't read and write, or you are
too lazy or stupid to get a state or federal ID as required by law in
every state, you don't deserve to exercise your right to vote.
