BREAKING: 17-Year-Old Charged With Murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin Shootings Last Night
(too old to reply)
2020-08-28 18:24:04 UTC
On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 07:11:50 -0700, "Michael Ejercito"
BREAKING: 17-Year-Old Charged With Murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin Shootings
Last Night
Kenosha shooting rittenhouse
Courtesy Twitter
A 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, Kyle Rittenhouse is reported to have
been arrested and charged with first degree murder in a shooting that took
place in Kenosha Wisconsin last night.
Give that kid a medal...
2020-08-29 03:03:12 UTC
Post by Byker
On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 07:11:50 -0700, "Michael Ejercito"
BREAKING: 17-Year-Old Charged With Murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin Shootings
Last Night
Kenosha shooting rittenhouse
Courtesy Twitter
A 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, Kyle Rittenhouse is reported to have
been arrested and charged with first degree murder in a shooting that took
place in Kenosha Wisconsin last night.
Give that kid a medal...
I would like to know what he was doing by wandering out
into the mob with a rifle though .....

I can support the 'militia' doing guard duty, but he was
not doing that.

We DID see that the last guy he shot was pointing a
pistol at him. OTOH since he had just blown away
two other people under unknown circumstances
it is possible the guy was justified.

Anyway, there is still much to come out about all this.

But if he was legitimately acting in self defense against
a raging mob then yes, give him a medal. There should
have been a few thousand MORE out there repelling
the mob. The shit is decidedly starting to hit the fan now.
No matter who gets elected in November, I think it is going
to get VERY bad. The commie punks are acting like
neo-brownshirts at this point and soon there will be no
choice but to apply equal force against them unless
something in the equation changes drastically. Trump
DID mention the Insurrection Act in a speech today ...
but said the scope of events did not yet justify its use.
Michael Ejercito
2020-08-31 00:22:28 UTC
Post by Byker
On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 07:11:50 -0700, "Michael Ejercito"
BREAKING: 17-Year-Old Charged With Murder in Kenosha, Wisconsin Shootings
Last Night
Kenosha shooting rittenhouse
Courtesy Twitter
A 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, Kyle Rittenhouse is reported to have
been arrested and charged with first degree murder in a shooting that took
place in Kenosha Wisconsin last night.
Give that kid a medal...
Here is Chris's comment.


The nitwits that I saw shot were in the words of Weird Al, “Whiter than sour

But hell, why should Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) tell the
truth when a lie advances the narrative?

Note to Maoist terrorists: If you’re going to play Spartacist, eventually
you get to play Rosa Luxemburg… ONCE.

Freikorp’s coming, hide your heart girl…
